Just 2 H.I.M.s “Rucking” around the bridge this morning…

Good Morning F3 Suncoast! Waterfront, Paradise, and 59 degrees…perfect for a morning beatdown.

Thursday Morning at Unconditional Surrender in Sarasota. The temps are a cold 59 degrees and the humidity is low for the Gloom but it is windy. This should prove to be a great morning for the Gloom I have planned for the Pax.

Pre Run Warm Up: I arrive early and start my Pre Run Warm up as usual with a ruck on and get in 1.2 miles this morning. After this run with a “Heater” on It is no longer cold and I will explain again as I did in an earlier backblast. In the U.S. Army as an Infantryman, a Lightfighter, Ranger and Airborne soldier we Ruck everywhere! The Rucksack is referred to as a “Heater” because as you start to “Hump” A.K.A. Ruck with the weight on your back your core temp will rise, you will warm up and get sweaty in no time at all. So the Pax will not be cold for long this morning guaranteed.

Opening Ceremony: 0515 and we are ready to go. We have no FNGs or PAX from out of town and as it turns out it is only me and Snap Shot. We go over the 5 core principles, disclaimers, and what will take place today. I am maintaining my line with using the Rucks for resistance to both the cardio and muscle strength and endurance for the beatdowns. DO NOT EXPECT ANY CHANGES ANYTIME SOON… I explain that we are going to take on the bridge and ruck it from one side to the other trying to get 2.5 to 3 miles in this morning. I have my weighted ruck for us to use this morning so we will switch the duties of carrying the weight this morning.

The Thang: We ruck up and start toward the bridge. I carry the ruck up over and to the following bridge at the Bird Key pass with a double time all the way down the bridge. Today the focus is on moving at a high speed pace with the ruck while we cover the distance within the agreed upon time of less than 15 minutes a mile. As we come back over the bridge Snap Shot carries the ruck and it is obvious nobody feels cold anymore. Mission accomplished as we get in 2.8 miles this morning and burnup the bridge.


  • Grow Ruck is coming think about attending a function and take the challenge.
  • Get ready the season is here for 5K Races, Spartan, Go Rucks and all sorts of activities to continue strengthening the mind, body and fellowship in the Suncoast PAX

Praise and Prayers:

  • Snap Shots M mom for a speedy diagnosis and recovery
  • Pax members in need and in pain
  • First Responders, LoF and our Military

Thanks again Snap Shot for staying strong and coming out this morning and remember, “If you keep on doing what you’re doing, you will keep on getting what you get, Embrace the Suck!! AROO!

Coop out