No Q? Lion Pride Round Robin #2!

Yes, once again, no HIM volunteered his name to the Q schedule, so the most feared outcome was experienced: A Round Robin beatdown.

The Thang

YHC led a half-mile mosey and short warmorama consisting of:

  • MNCs & MNC Claps
  • Windmills
  • Merkins
  • Strawberry pickers


Clutch called pax to gather at the base of Mother Hill (MH), and proceeded to elicit grumbling as he instructed us to complete the following:

Wait, first the Lions dictated we pay homage to their presence… FOtR


  • 20 Merkins at the base of MH
  • Ascend MH
  • 20 LBCs at the top of MH
  • Descend MH



Snapshot took the lead and led us to the Audubon society’s pavilion as we completed:


  • 10 partner table lifts
  • 15 step ups
  • 10 partner table lifts
  • 15 dips


Diesel of course opted to utilize the cement bricks in his truck and took us through an arm-grueling workout with them:

  • 15 IC Standing Snow Angels
  • 15 IC Shoulder Presses
  • 15 IC Curls
  • 15 IC Merkins on the bricks
  • 20 IC Squats
  • 20 IC Russian Twists


If we weren’t dead already, Condensor didn’t fail to finish the job. In the theme of being mindful, he instructed us to complete sprints, resting in plank and walking until we believed we were each ready to sprint again. YHC lost count and that’s about the time Condensor called endex.

Blocker, Splicer, and Kotter

The aforementioned three stooges finished us off with bear crawl/crab walk circuits and a round of Mary.

Today was BRUTAL.

Announcements, Prayer, & Praise

  • Race over the skyway is sold out
  • Don’t forget the retreat October 12-14!
  • Praise the Lord that Clutch’s son is recovering well
  • Wild At Heart by John Eldredge will be our next study and we at Celery Fields will begin a pre-ruck discussion over it next saturday at 615am. Ruck 30 minutes during discussion and end ready for the beatdown!