More 3-ways!

Date: 11/25/2019

Weather: 55 degrees and clear

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Bubbles, Crabcakes, Manziel, Marvel, Props, Ricky Bobby, Sir Wallace, Thor

The day was off to a good start when YHC woke up, looked at his phone and saw that it was 55 degrees. That’s about 10 degrees more than was expected and proof that moving to Florida turns you into a complete wimp.

Eventually, 5.15 rolled around and YHC started with the F3 mission, core principles and disclaimer, then lead us on a mozi down the road to the dog park with high knees, carioca x2, nur, and butt kickers. At the dog park, we circled up for the COP with strawberry pickers, windmills, SSH, hillbilly walkers and moroccan nightclubs. That’s right, YHC went completely off script and didn’t start the COP with SSH. Still awaiting the letter from F3 headquarters to find out the length of my suspension.

We then did and Indian Run back up to the pavilion, where the pax were instructed to head over to the echo chamber and it was announced that the famous Manziel 3-way would be the routine for the day. For those new to this, the idea is as follows: Line up on one goal line in the hockey rink. There is an exercise for that goal line, the center line, and the far goal line. You start by doing the exercise for the first goal line, take a mode of transportation to the center, do the center line exercise, mode of transportation to the other goal line, do that exercise, then take the mode of transportation back to the original goal line, stopping again at the center to do that exercise. Here are the sets, with the modes of transportation:

  • 1st set: 20 reps each
    • Goal line:  Peter Parkers
    • Center line: Merkins
    • 2nd goal line: Big boy sit ups
    • Transportation: Duck walk
  • 2nd set: 25 reps each
    • Goal line:  American hammers
    • Center line: Carolina drydocks
    • 2nd goal line: Monkey humpers
    • Transportation: Toy soldiers
  • 3rd set: 30 reps each
    • Goal line:  Leg raises
    • Center line: Evander Holyfields
    • 2nd goal line: Lunges
    • Transportation: Crab walk
  • 4th set: 35 reps each
    • Goal line:  LBCs
    • Center line: Overhead claps
    • 2nd goal line: Salsa dips
    • Transportation: Bear crawl
  • 5th set: 40 reps each
    • Goal line: Flutter kicks
    • Center line: Shoulder taps
    • 2nd goal line: Plank jacks
    • Transportation: Lunge walk

Well, that was fun. So much fun that we didn’t have time for a Round of Mary at the end.


  • Salvation Army event December 12, package prep at Recall’s house on Sunday, Dec. 8. Sign up to provide cash and/or supplies, and hat tip to Brutus for leading. If you want to go there, you need to have background check done.
  • Next Ronald McDonald House is Dec. 17
  • Ragnar is less than 2 weeks, there are a few more training runs on the Panther Ridge trails
  • Grow Ruck is coming to the Suncoast in the first weekend in April

Unfortunately I didn’t record the prayers and praise reports, but we had a few of them. As the old saying goes, you know who you are.

Manziel out.