Turkey Day Stuff-n-Run

Weather: mid 60’s and humid

QIC: Lambeau

Pax: Wahlburger


The two of us were still stretching out at 5:15 and we then discussed typical routes before heading North for a sidewalk run. YHC kept a respectable pace (for himself) for the first mile and then slowed things down as the body started to complain. I didn’t want to push too hard today as I am still pretty sore from the two runs on Tuesday. My turn around spot was Old Tampa road. Wahlburger was running at just over half my pace and made it up to HWY 301 where he turned around and headed back, passing me along the way. He then doubled back and finished my last 1/4 mile with me.

We both talked for more than an hour upon our return and saw several others out walking, runing and biking in the area.

Happy Thanksgiving all.
