Monday morning beatdown

72 deg and humid

QIC Stagecoach

Mozy including high knee, butt kickers, but and karaoke either way

warm up –


Strawberry pickers



Leg Stretches

The Thang

Not gonna lie, the board of pain was “borrowed” from our one and only Recall.
Front of board the infamous stack. We did 2 exercises then a mozy when we returned we completed the same 2 exercises  then added 2 more. You know the drill.
Each exercise included 20 reps.
Moroccan Night Clubs

Over head claps

Mountain Climbers

Flutter Kicks

Heel Raisers

American Hammers

Monkey Humpers

Carolina Dry Docks

Squat Jumps

Plank Jacks


Then we flipped the board over for AYG’s (All You Gots). I minute of each exercise going all out



Jump Squats

Mountain Climbers

American Hammers

Heels to heaven

Arm Circles


The Pax

Manziel, Trump, Chili-Pepper, Goob, Big Mac, BP20, Red Card, Lancealot, Capt Ron, Stagecoach.


July 4 convergence at Siesta Key, where the July team challenge will be kicked off.  Teams of 4

Shirt order  Lancealot posted the Suncoast Logo, feedback to Lance welcome

Manziel Friend Sue doing better but continue prayers, also his 2.0 and current friend selection

Chili-Pepper  Prayers for his Mother and Family in Chili
1st Responders, Drs and nurses, this country at this time of need

Stagecoach OUT!


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