Light Fighter Speed Training, Getting Faster!

Weather: No breeze and a warm and stuffy 78 degrees with fairly clear skies.

QIC: Coop

Pax: Clutch, Coop, Diesel, Papa Smurf, Puck, Raider.

Good morning Downtown Sarasota!! QIC headed out early determined to set a pace and establish a 1 mile course for the morning darkness to come. After running along the waterfront and covering the mile with pain station stops at distance set checkpoints the mile was covered in under 8 minutes. The Pax arrives, “This morning we work on speed, and intensity will be altered using fast short sets of pain inducing activities along the run” I announce. A few Blank and worried stares soon turn into mumble chatter and 0515 is upon us.

I go over the 5 core principles, disclaimers and then cover the morning’s beatdown. I explain the morning is dedicated to speed. Pain station will be introduced at will and the mode of transportation is a true Double Time this morning. All they have to do is keep up on the run and they may modify on the pain station as needed.

We take off and the run is a brisk pace from the statue to the Marina Jack entrance where we stop and review the correct way, the Army way to lead calisthenics and commence to perform all future In Cadence led exercises in this fashion. Good times right here and the mood picks up quickly along with the pace. We take off again and continue across the front of the marina sprinting 1/10 of a mile each time and perform SSH, Merkins, Lt Dans, Bulgarian Ball Busters, and Imperial Walkers. Our last sprint is longer and I can start to hear the air coming out of tires on a few of the Pax as we roll up on a set of benches I selected. The benches are about 40-50 yards apart. and here we really get to the Thang.

The Thang: We spilt up and each groups gets a set of benches to perform the workout. We do Dips, Inclined, Declined Merkins, and Step Ups in sets of 10 or 20. We all do 20 Step Ups a leg and then when the six is in we sprint and change places so here is a 40-50 yard dash between sets. Rinse and the repeat, do a new exercise and then sprint to change benches. When the Pax starts looking fresh and a little rested I yell “Switch!” and we sprint back to the bench we just left, arriving back I yell “Switch!” We Rinse and repeat to lay down the wood and to keep them uncomfortable. Once the exercises are done we meet between the benches  at the half way point and pair up. Here we do Lazy Dora’s using Merkins and the Front Leaning Rest position along with  sprints to a bench and back while your partner knocks out Merkins, A total of 5 sprints per man on each team will do.

Time is now catching up on us and only 12 minutes are left so we begin the long road back to the statue at Unconditional Surrender. I start with a Mozy to get them moving again and stop to do Over Hand Claps (40 total) and as the shoulders are starting to sting we go into Arm circles which everyone feels. We start again with a Double Time and stop 3 more times finally reaching the Marina entrance where your QIC has discovered and used previously 4 bars used to perform Dead hangs and Knee to Chest Knee raises. Once these are complete we sprint and the race the final few yards to the statue. Two minutes left on the clock allows me to cool down and help the Pax stretch out. Two miles are covered and they average out at just over 8 minutes so the speed portion is accomplished and the pain stations were perfectly paired.


  • Savage Race in November (F3 Team is up on the site)
  • Gator Camp is open for sign ups
  • Super Hero Bridge a Life run is open for sign up (Already has 22 members!) $20 until November 30th
  • F3 Shirts are available till this Sunday
  • Sleeveless shirts available


  • Coop’s speedy recovery from surgery has been a blessing
  • Military and first responders
  • All unspoken prayers

As always getting back to spending the early hours with such a great group of HIMs makes me grateful and thankful that Bing and my M continued to remain persistent and get me over my sad clown disorder. I am stronger, lighter and faster than I have been since I was a road marching, rucking, shooting, light fighting, paratrooper. Spartan races, no problem, and Savage Syndicate completes in November for a birthday weekend and I feel absolutely better than I have in a long, long time. See everyone at NBP for a Friday funday start. I promise to Q one of those again soon.


Coop out, Airborne!!!