Weather: gunna be a dark and gloomy morning unless you fartsack a tad and start later

Virtual QIC: Bing
Pax: Best pax in the country
Warm up – it’s likely going to be a warm morning so go for a jog around the block with the usual tricks: high knees, nur, butt kickers and skips.
- SSHx20 IC
- Merkins x10
- Overhead claps x20 IC
- Squats x15
- SSH x20 I
- Monkey Humpers x 20
Warmed up yet?
The Thang: imagine we are at Adventure Park and are going to do the speed bump workout. This time, we don’t have to be quiet because of Manziel’s crabby neighbor. This workout is designed for ruck or no ruck. Your call.
Head out for a run, but every .25 miles you are to stop and do 3 exercises, using all three sections of your body.
- 15 Carolina Dry Docks
- 20 LBCs
- 15 squats
Repeat the same three exercises at each stop. If you don’t want to wander far away from home, pick 4-5 driveways and space it out. Aren’t afraid of the dark scary roads by yourself, go out for a solid 2.5-3 miles, stopping 8-12 times for the above exercises.
- Start sharing your memories/your reason for joining F3 or a particular time F3 really impacted you. Groupme or Facebook Mumble Chatter – this is our 3rd Anniversary week plan.
- Look for a virtual zoom Q for next Saturday to commemorate our 3rd anniversary
- Don’t miss Wednesday mornings beatdown, April 1, our actual anniversary date.
- Look for a link to sing up for the Dasani meal train.
- Praise the healthy birth of Hayden Pressley Felton (2.0 of Dasani and Sara)
- Prayers for YHC’s brother in law with the sudden death of his girlfriend
- Prayers for Backdraft’s request of prayers for Tim
- For all the souls rising up to heaven during this time of COVID-19 pandemic
- For the front line workers at the hospitals and first responders
- For the families suffering hardship with virtual schooling in place
- For our world.
I can’t thank the pax enough for what you all do in my life. Saturday night was a rough night for me. I was falling weak but trying to stay strong for my M. I knew the one place to turn to for that strength was God and the prayers of the pax. The love I felt from many of you carried me through the night and lifted me greatly. As I shared in the groupme prayer channel, this 5-minute homily really was perfect timing this morning. Through all this death, God does bring life.
Always an honor and privilege to lead this fine pax.
~Bing Out