IronPax Week 0

Weather:  81F, Humid (it’s Florida!)

QIC: Chilipepper

PAX in attendance:  Mr. Clean, Deep Dish, Steal, Manziel, Props, Bubbles, Bing, Big Mac, Goob, Hercules, Dasani, Trump, Puck, Ace, Papa Smurf, Sterling, Train, Lancelot

19 Pax for Today’s AO target, completing week 0 of the IronPax Challenge.   If you haven’t you can still register at

After disclaimers and the 5 core principles we did a mozy (Side shuffle, Butt kickers, High knees, Side shuffle) followed by SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Arm Circles and static Sala Dips while reaching for the chips.  We then mobilized down to the tower.

I then went over the IronPax Week 0 beatdown exercises, proper form and count.  Then it was on.

6 Rounds for Time:

  • 24 Squats
  • 24 Merkins
  • 24 Walking Lunge Steps (count right leg only)
  •  400 meter run (measured, not estimated)

(More detail and video here:


  • Ronald Mc Donald House 9/9
  • Clearwater: 9/7


  • Prayers for those in Hurricane Dorian
  • Lancelot’s upcoming surgery
  • Desai pregnancy
  • First Responders, Military and those going to Dorian ground 0

If anyone wants to do the challenge I would be happy to do a group during the Adventure Park beat down tomorrow.

Here are Week 0 Results (though there may be an update delay)