Hillary and Tenzing at Lion Pride


Cool and wet. Really wet.


YHC led a mosey up around the hill and on down Mother Hill (MH) to a warmorama at the bottom around the flag:

  • Windmills, SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, MNCs, Merkins, LBCs

“Buddy Bear Patty-Cakes”:

  1. Plank around circle
  2. Partners across the circle bear crawl to the center
  3. Patty Cake Merkins 10X

Mosey up MH and to COP

  • YHC requested core exercises from Pax for IC completion of 20 reps each
    • Bicycles
    • Flutters
    • Homer to Marge
    • Leg Lifts

“Side-Straddle Flop”:

  • IC SSH 10-1 ladder; with 2 burpees between each set of ladder

Mosey down MH to retrieve coupons

The Thang – “Hillary and Tenzing”

Phase 1

  • In partners of like-fitness
  • While P1 carries sandbag up MH, P2 completes 10 mountain climbers
  • P2 then runs to recover and switch
  • Once at the top, same format, but with space climbers (dying cockroaches) instead of MCs
  • 3X up and down

Phase 2

  • In thrartners of like-fitness
  • P1 and P2 ascend MH, with P1 carrying the coupon
  • P3 planks until P1 and P2 reach the top and call him to run up
  • P1, P2, and P3 descend together and rotate
  • 3X, or until all have completed each activity once

Mosey up MH w/o coupons

“Lt Dan 7s”

  • Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks DFibs *Due to DFib’s archetypical execution of CDDs, we have redubbed them his namesake.*
  • R Lunge, L Lunge, Squat, repeat between exercises

Pax completed the beatdown with a rendition of “This Little Light of Mine”:

  • In unison, pax sing the four verses of “This Little Light of Mine” while holding Al Gore
  • Each time the word “shine” is repeated, pax complete an imastar/squat jump


  • Welcome BDub, House, and GOAT!!
  • 1st annual F3 Suncoast retreat at Gator Wilderness Camp School October 12-14. See Preblast for details
  • Gator Wilderness Banquets – Contact Slater to HC to the F3 table
  • Condensor and wife fostering a newborn! Prayers for grace and faith in God’s provision
  • Pax hurting and injurred