Go Army! Beat Navy!!



The Clearwater F3 Pax gathered for a cool 54 degree meeting that was designed to cheer Army, in preparation for the Army/Navy game on 12/14. Dirt Dart was prepared as Q with a nice selection of routines planned to support the mission. The Pax welcomed two FNGs (Father/son duo Flash and Spidey).

The crew circled up in a circle-rama fashion, by counting off 1-11. A brief warm-up took place to warm up the muscles and limbs. Once the warm up was completed, a nice mozy with the Flag to our beatdown spot on the Basketball court!!

Each round consisted of 3 stops along the court, with each stop having a round of exercises, and various mode of transportation to each stop and back.

  • Round 1 – duck walk
    • Goal line – Peter Parkers x 20
    • Center line – Merkins x 20
    • 2nd Goal line – Big boy sit-ups x 20
  • Round 2 – toy soldiers
    • Goal line – American hammers x 25
    • Center line – Carolina Dry Docks x 25
    • 2nd Goal line – Monkey humpers x 25
  • Round 3 – reverse crab walk
    • Goal line – leg raises x 30
    • Center line – Evander Holyfields x 30
    • 2nd Goal line – Lunges
  • Round 4 – bear crawl
    • Goal line – LBCs x 35
    • Center line – Overhead claps x 35
    • 2nd Goal Line – Salsa dips x 35
  • Round 5 – lunge walk
    • Goal line – Flutter kicks
    • Center line – Shoulder taps
    • 2nd Goal line – Plank jacks

Once all rounds were completed, the Pax took off for a 1/2 mile Mozy around the park. Zamboni (Respect, Respect) carried the Flag for the crew, and led the mozy. Once the mozy was complete, the Pax circled once again for the COT, performed nama-a-rama, then closed with announcements and prayer requests and a closing prayer.