Giving “Thanks for the FNG” …Finding the Nearest Garage

4 Florida Boys arrive for a “Freezing 50° beatdown, hoping to not hit the Bridge, instead heading to the nearest Garage, Thanks Lancelot

Due to the cold, The “Core” was discussed during our Mozi to the garage.

The Obligatory Pre-Thanksgiving Course was served on the 4 levels of the garage.

1 st Floor  – Appetizer

  • SSH 15 IC
  • Stretches per leg
  • Windmill 15 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers 15 IC
  • wait for 6th man, Run to the next course

2 nd Floor : Main Course 1

  • Bear Crawl to the speed bumps
  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 20 LBC’s
  • Repeat
  • wait for 6th man, Run to the next course

3 rd Floor : Main Course 2

  • 25 Pause Squats
  • 25 shoulder taps
  • 25 Monkey Humpers
  • Repeat
  • wait for 6th man, Run to the next course

4 th Floor : Dessert

*** as fast as possible

    • 5 Squats
    • 5 Merkins
    • 5 LBC’s
    • 5 Carolina Dry Docks
    • 5 Heels to the Heavens
    • Repeat x2

To close, we headed back to Surrender,   closing with COT.

  • Salvation Army  Dec 12th, Brutus
  • McDonald House – St Pete     Dec 17th   Mr Clean
  • F3 F5 Christmas Party possibility   Dec 15th  ???

Prayers: Snapshot’s Mother in Law -Mary, Goob, All First Responders, Military, Nurses and Dr.s, All Pax challenged with physical & mental injuries, All Pax who are traveling this upcoming holiday week.

As always, Honored & Blessed to lead such great Men – Lancelot