Also Rans

Weather: Perfect 50F. No wind.

Welcome: Greeted the group and off we went.

The Thang: YHC and Defid wrapped up a marathon training cycle with a 1.5 mile warm-up over the bridge, 3 miles at marathon pace, 4 minute recovery, 1K at 10K pace and a 1 mile cool-down. ShamWow did his normal trek over and back on the bridge. Ricky Bobby set a 5K PR. Crabcakes, fresh off his Charlotte Marathon, logged easy miles with Deep Dish.

It was fun.


  1. Salvation Army outreach Dec 12
  2. Ronald McDonald House Dec 17
  3. Ragnar training miles getting logged

Prayer Request / Praises

  1. Goob, illness
  2. Ripken’s Father-in-law, sickness
  3. Baby Ivy, future
  4. Clutch, injury
  5. YHC and Defib’s marathon on Sunday
