Follow with some Burpees

Weather-75 degrees and pleasant

On this glorious Tuesday morning 12 Pax decended on Camden Yards for some fellowship and a little beat down. The disclaimer and 5 core principles were given-open to all men, free of charge, held outside rain or shine, peer led and always ends in a circle of trust.

To begin our mosey we did 10 squats in cadence to get our knees warmed up and off for a little run which included high knees, butt kickers and Carioca both ways. We circled up and performed the following:


Strawberry pickers-10IC


Imperial walker-10IC

Hillbilly walker-10IC


The Thang

The Pax was presented with “The Board” which listed all is the exercises with the number to be performed. The Pax would perform the exercise followed by burpees then run a lap and move to the next exercise followed by burpees until the list was complete.

100 squats/10 burpees-run

90LBC/9 burpees-run

80 mountain climbers-8 burpees-run

70 Lunges(35 per leg)/7 burpees-run

60 Am. Hammers(count 1 side)6 burpees-run

50 Car. Dry Docks/5 burpees-run

40 Peter Parker’s/4 burpees-run

30 Merkins/3 burpees-run

20 Leg lifts/2 burpees-run

10 Diamond Merkins/1 burpee- run

During The Thang we thought there were some FNG’s showing up lost and late but we were wrong as it was the poll workers reporting for duty.  A couple close call but thankfully no one got run over.


Round of Mary-Dying cockroaches, 30/60/90(Thanks Flashdance), Freddy Mercury’s.


Announcements-Gator Wilderness Oct 12-14, Siesta Key Triathalon, Pinchers fellowship night, get out and vote.

Prayers/Praises-Prayers for Kotter

Prayers for Sniper’s relationship with his brother