Fart sack Friday?! With a spritzer

Conditions …. if u woke up to your alarm and looked at the radar around 4:30 am you saw large green blue blob of rain heading straight for the tower….. so, u turned off your alarm and went back to the FS. 74 degrees 78% humidity slight breeze and a SPRITZER or rain.  Best beatdown conditions in months. We missed all you brothers that could not make it!!!

Mozi/Warmup 1 lap around the bridges including Nur X2, high knees and Kerioke.
We then circled up for the warmup and did SSHs, Strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, arm circles imperial walkers and yes………..BBS


The Thang  It was Dora time and we paired up for the following mumble chatter inducers:

100 burpees

300 LBCS

200 Merkins

250 Squats

While 1 pax exercised the other pax went up Sniper hill (without a 40lb sand bag) and did 10 squats at the top of the hill.

Upon completion of the Dora we took on a 7 and did shoulder presses and Side straddle hops and. Then we went up the tower for the COT.



remember there are some new AOs (Heratige Harbor and  Bayside South)

September Iron Pax weekly beatdown Challenge

Wednesday Nolan Middle school temporary on hold and being relocated do to school fence/gate

Prayers and Praises

Ripken’s office manager daughter lost baby right before birth.

All the injured

Ripken’s wife Lori biopsy

Jim’s  test

Peace in Mr. Clean’s family w home schooling

all the forgotten….!

Thanks for letting me Q!

JimmyDean out…..