Easy Hill Work

Weather: temp in low-70s and dew point in upper-60s. Welcome FL summer, let’s run!

Pre-run: YHC and Defib hit the pavement at 0410 to log some easy miles on the Green Bridge. It was fun.

Welcome: as Excalibur rolled-in, he wasn’t sure if he was early or late, but he sent YHC and Defib a text stating he was on-site. We circled back to find Excal logging miles. We joined him and away we went for more easy Bridge miles.

The Thang: easy miles with the Green Bridge’s 40ft elevation in the middle. All told, YHC and Defib covered over 14-miles while Excal saw 8-miles. We covered over 600 ft in elevation. It was fun.


  1. SUP and Run May 25th.

Prayer Requests / Praises:

  1. Growth of Green Bridge AO
  2. Gridlock’s family

Thanks for the push Defib and Excal and for the fellowship!
