Don’t Drop the Rock

Today’s workout was heavy (pun intended).  Ripken’s Garmin showed 952 calories burned in only 55 minutes.  This wasn’t like one of Chili Pepper’s light yoga beatdowns.

It started with remembering that Peter was the Rock that Jesus built his church upon.  We too are rocks for our family, colleagues, and friends.  We need to remember how blessed we are and how many resources God has given us to fulfill his mission.  Time to stop talking and start sweating.

Next might have been the toughest mozy ever.  Grab a rock, run with it to the bridge (overhead if you desire) stopping occasionally to perform the usual warm-up exercises…Strawberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Tricep Extensions.  At the bridge, Ripken gave permission to drop the rocks momentarily.  The Pax quickly wished they still had their rocks.

We did side-squats with pullups to the top of the bridge, then did inverted LBC’s in cadence on the flip side of the bridge.  We then did the most hated of all F3 exercises, the downhill bear crawl on a slick bridge.  After running with rock back to the field via a NUR and karaokes, we received a brief, but much needed water break.

According the 1 out of 1 electrical engineers posting (Sparky), this was one of the hardest DORA’s ever attempted by mankind.  Considering all exercises were performed with the rock and the running was done with the rock (plus a burpee at the turnaround), several Pax mentioned chocking down a little bile. Sparky and Whit kicked everyone else’s butt, however, we are reviewing video to see if they cheated on the rep counts.

Since a Dora is never enough, we finished with with a relay. Rock blasted through the upper body demands, while Rooster carried him on the running parts.

Each Pax had to roll the rock to flag and back, put stone between knees and bear crawl halfway and back (this sucked liked Dyson), and run to flag and back with rock between shoulder blades (turned into a modified squat-run like a kid trying to fly).

Praises for all we have. Prayers for Pax that are injured, and those with different levels of marital strife.

Ripken showed his Christian spirit by buying a Wawa breakfast for all those finishing the workout.  Barely a reward for the pain induced…sort of like like the sour wine that was offered to Jesus on the cross.  Not hardly sufficient for the sacrifice given.