Did you really miss me?

Q: Goob

Pax: ??  TBD

Zoom:  Yes, assuming someone who can do that shows up

Pre-blast out:  You bet ya so no excuses

Warmup:  Mozy about 400 meters and include butt kickers, high knees, NUR, and carioca both ways

  • 20 SSH (IC)
  • 15 Strawberry Pickers (IC)
  • 20 Michael Phelps
  • 10 arm circles forward
  • 10 arm circles backward

The Thang:  (and yes, it will suck)  At Nolan, we will have the parking lot to run and utilize all four corners.  If posted at home, find a large enough area to utilize in a rectangle or square pattern so that you can use all four corners.  Each exercise will progress in the number from one corner to the next (I.E. 5 in the first, 10 in the second, 15 in the third, and 20 in the fourth).  The in between exercises are not meant as a break.  At Nolan, we have the bike racks.  At home, be creative.

  1. Jack Webbs (5,10,15,20)
  2. Tricep Dips (4×10)
  3. Peter Parker (5,10,15,20)
  4. Lat Pull-through (4×10)
  5. Salsa Dips (5,10,15,20)
  6. Scissor Kicks (4×10)
  7. Burpees (5,10,15,20)
  8. Knee Ups (4×10)
  9. Hand-Release Merkins (5,10,15,20)
  10. Big Boy Situps (4×10)

Extra Credit:

  • Find a wall and sit there.  Thank God for the breath in your lungs, the health of you and your family, and the ability to sit there.
  • 10 Navy Seals

As we all find our new comfort levels and normal, I look forward to being in the gloom with you again.  But after this beatdown, I do wonder, did you really miss me?  I’m grateful to all of you for the push during the quarantine. Thank you for allowing me to lead this morning. Let’s keep pushing.


~Goob out