Diamonds are Forever

The Big Bridge, the mother of all bridges in Sarasota did not come into play this morning. Diamonds in time for Mothers Day did and, it was today’s theme for the beatdown.

It was clear, 72 degrees and still this morning. Four including YHC as the Q were ready for this morning challenges. I arrived early onsite at the AO to scout where the diamonds would be cut and took a quick 1 mile sprint to get ready for the Darkness that was rolling in. As we prepared there were no FNGs and we were all familiar with each other so the 5 core principles were mentioned, a disclaimer was quick and to the point, with the bases covered we move south in a double time.

We headed south toward the Marina Jack sign and stopped to stretch, then the Darkness arrived and I find calisthenics make them go away. Four count exercises are my favorite so we quickly did in order SSH, Hillbilly Walkers, Strawberry pickers and took off again heading further south. We stopped at the fist set of Diamonds on the ground where the Pax starting celebrating that we had arrived to which I quickly said, “No, not yet lets do Seal Jacks!” So we did more four count exercises to shake the Darkness and get more blood flowing and start to raise the core temp some more. Next Imperial Walkers then Windmills and we head south to the Fountain in front of Bayfront Park.

In front and at the backside of the Fountain (now a giant planter) are two diamonds on the ground and actually there are Diamonds all along the walk in front of the marina. This would be our stages if you will where we would work to shape and cut the Diamonds.

At the front Diamond we begin with the “Seven of Diamonds” here all exercise start at 7 reps and increase by seven. Start with 7 Diamond Merkins (form the diamond with your hands nice and tight) start pushing and shaping. Next were 14 reps of my Diamond Cutter (this drew some mumble chatter now of a different “Oh Boy”) and then 21 Shoulder tap Merkins…Set number 1. Double time to the backside fountain, mode of transportation is Nur and repeat.

Nur back to the front and lets do LBCs, American Hammers, and finish with Flutter Kicks starting with 7 then 14 then 21 to finish with a rinse and repeat.

Lastly are the Lt Dan, Air Drama, and Bulgarian Ball Busters (in that order) 7,14,21 and backside of fountain (we have a rinse and repeat cycle going) to complete Stage 1

Time to move to the next stage a Large Red Diamond on the walkway and here we do 7 of the Merkins round listed above and then Dutch Skate to the next large Red Diamond. We do three Diamonds along the walkway for distance and drafting off each other did not ease the pain. At the end we look and then slide to our right and find more diamonds in the parking lot. These are the furthest apart now by far. Cardio is starting to get a different workout now. Here we go through the LBCs, Hammers and Flutter Kicks at each end (7 here and now 7 over there) of each one with a long sprint in between as mode of transportation.  When we finish I notice we still have 18 minutes left in our morning so, “Follow me!” I yelled and we head around the walkway the long way where I found some benches aching for attention.

Step Ups on this bench and the bench way down there do Dips with a double time in between (reps are 14 now) with 2 sets total. We begin to double time again toward the marina to find two more benches. ” Declined Merkins on this bench and Inclined Merkins on that bench down there!” again the count 14 and the mode between them is double time. When we finish these and we have a 10 count to realign our breathing with our heartbeat Slater says, “I wish there was a place here to work the biceps.” Lucky for this group I know where we can do that and I take off in a double time again hearing the mumble chatter from the others of, “Great , you had to give him an idea.”

At the entrance of the Marina there is a place where the 4 off us can easily work on the biceps, grip, and abs. After explaining to the Pax my Savage workouts and the need for GRIP strength and upper body conditioning for the OCRs me and the M run we do some light Savage training.  Twenty second dead hangs (no one likes my count by the way) and then release to the ground (we look like The Lost Boys under the train tracks now). These were stacked with Knees to Elbows in order to work and cut the abs some more. After a few minutes and sets we sprint from the marina sign back to the beginning. Cool down and stretches take place to avoid tightening up or any injuries after the morning beating finishing on time. Time to bring it home.


  • Sup N Run on the 25th of May (Tip of the Spear with the most participants, keep it up guys)
  • SRQ Vets 5 k Hike on the 25th of May (If you do not Sup N Run BE HERE if you can)
  • Savage Race on the 9th of November F3 Suncoast Team ready for sign ups (Three HC right now for F3 need more soldiers)
  • Check Group Me for continuous coverage and announcements of upcoming 5k races, Go Ruck events, OCRs etc.

Praises and Prayer Requests:

  • As always Our First Responders, Our Military to stay on point and be safe and protected
  • All our injured and tired Pax member for a timely and healthy recovery

Men do not forget Mother’s Day this Sunday and give them the weekend if it is all possible. Mom’s are special and although everyday should be Mother’s Day this weekend I am taking the mother of the 2.0 out for a 5k on Siesta beach. Early morning chipped run followed by actual beach time and then lunch to follow at one of the local establishments. Sunday we will give her the day off to recover because I know she needs it.


Airborne!! Coop out