“Man, I see in ##### #### F3 the strongest and smartest men who’ve ever lived.” Fight Club

Welcomed the 10 Pax in attendance and reviewed the F3 five core principles.  Performed a mozy with select butt kickers, high knees, side shuffles.  Warmed up with strawberry pickers, arm cycles and weaves, while the pax pondered what Chilipepper had in store.

“Welcome to FightClub”, The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club….  That and some “Kombat” inspired musical choices, Enter the dragon theme, You’re the best – Karate Kid, The eagle has landed- Kickboxer, Street Fighter II Theme, Mortal Kombat, Jackie Chan, Kung Fu Fighting, etc. to inspire and deflect the pain..

Round 1! Buce Lee Abs, 3 sets of the subscribed exercises, Rest 30 sec between sets.  ( Note: the pax thanks I did not wear a G-string while rounding the ring with the round 1 sign.  Though some propositions were made.)

  • 20x American Hammers
  • 20x Leg raises
  • 20x LBC’s
  • 20x Heel Touches
  • 20x Crunchy Frog (v position, hug your knees)
  • 100’s. (LBS flutter hands)

Round II.  Tabata!

  • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Burpees
  • Sprint, line up and sprint to the end of the parking lot and mozy back.
  • Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Side Shuffle

Round III – Fight!

  • Right and Left punch Slow/fast, some instruction on posture…
  • Right & Left Punch + Duck
  • Knee + Knee Jumps
  • Kicks + Knee Kicks
  • Round of Mitt Punches + Burpee drops on PAX switch

The panting PAX then circled up.

A few reminders of upcoming events, prayer requests for Gube’s job search, Chilipeppers brother in law, Injured PAX including Jimmy Dean and our first responders.

Disclaimer: No PAX were injured during this beat down, though they may have suffered some psychological damage and some sure coming muscle soreness..