Clearwater Season Opener. Dirt Dart. 12 pax. 7 Sept 19

Good looking Crew

Wall sits
Demonstrated to Smudge how Army soldiers went to the bathroom when in the field vs heated seats when on a Navy cruise ship.

All the local news channels were present this sunny morning to cover the Clearwater kickoff led by Dirt Dart.  The theme of the workout was climbing Kili,  5 stations to replicate the 5 days it took to climb Mt Kilimanjaro this past February.  Smudge joined us from St Pete, as a former Navy seaman he was there to make sure Army PT  was not too hard .

Started out with a sampling of Side strattle hops, merkins, strawberry pickers,  and a sprinkle of stretches to get the blood flowing and sweat pouring.

Conducted a mosey with high knees, butt kickers, karaokes, and regulars to get to first station.  After each station did a “king of the hill” workout till two men were left in group.

Station one: Conducted high steppers, flutter kicks, merkins, and arm circles for set time limit. Did flutter kicks till only two men left, others did air squats when dropped out.

Station two: Step ups, dips, overhead claps, and leg extensions. Did leg circles till two men left, others did SSH when dropped out.

Station three: lunges, big boy sit-ups, and close grip merkins.   Did merkins till two men left, SSH for those that dropped out.

Station four: wall sits,  leg circles,  leg extensions.   Did wide arm merkins till two men left, others did imperial walkers.

station five: buddy assisted merkins/leg throws/sit ups/and shoulder taps.   Conducted plank till two men left and others did burpees after dropping out.  Smudge provided his best effort to offer comedy relief as part of the Army’s combat service support branch called the Navy.  Many couldn’t help thinking that if he did as much running with his legs as he does with his mouth he would be running a five minute mile.

Finished with prayers and announcements.  Received new US flag as gift from Lancelot to celebrate  the ground breaking of new AO Clearwater!!




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