Celery Fields Tri-Beatdown

Temp 77  and 65% humidity, chatter was about how it felt like fall.

Disclaim was announced with one FNG, then we mosied to east parking lot.

15 each: ssh, strawberry pickers, windmills, toy soldiers

Mosey up grandmother hill.  The chatter at the top was about how it felt  like summer.

Thang.  Version of Iron Pax.

30 yards total.
10 yard broad jump, 15 lunges, 15 merkins, 15 lbcs
10 yard broad jump, 15 lunges, 15 merkins, 15 lbcs
10 yard broad jump, 15 lunges, 15 merkins, 15 lbcs
Bear crawl back to start.

Rinse and repeat for three rounds.

Proceed down mother hill for remaining time COP including: 15 dips and step ups 2 rounds, 15 each decline merkins, american hammers, Freddie Mercury’s and mountain climbers.

Lions got us three times.

Ronald McDonald House Mon the 9th
Laps for Life Sept 28 Benderson
Care 2 Tri Nov 2 Lakewood Ranch

Prayers and Praises:  Diesel’s wife recovery from migraines.  Snapshot’s wife for pending surgery.   Hurricanes victims,  and as always our first responders.

There were only three of us today as we welcomed Spider.  But it is always a pleasure to lead even if it is from the 6th position.

Snapshot  ?