Bridge, Bridge, Bridge, Bridge, Bridge, Repeats

Weather: Overcast and 66.  Long Sleeve weather for this northern transplant…..

Pax: Ricky Bobby, ShamWow, Goob, Crabcakes, Lambeau, Wilson, Sparky

With YHC in full taper and scheduled for a rest day, it was determined that the PAX was free to do whatever they wanted this morning. As they departed the parking lot, everyone decided on bridge repeats for the next 45 minutes.

Congrats to Ricky Bobby on setting a 5k PR.  Way to go!!!


  • Need Salvation Army party Q
  • Ronald McDonald house on 12/17
  • Thanksgiving convergence in St. Pete
  • Ragnar Trail Run Prep this Sunday at 6am in Panther Ridge


  • Kenyon and his family in Fort Mill
  • Ricky Bobby on his test at 8am
  • Pax Fartsacking instead of training for Ragnar!!

Good seeing everyone out at Hamer this morning, I look forward to resuming the crazy runs again next week.

Have a great night,
