BBall court Beatdown


Really nice!!! (NOT) 78 and muggy. Perfect weather for a gloomy beatdown.

Right on time we started the Mosey with all the usual stuff ie….kerioke,high knees,butt kickers and Nur.

Warm up

SSH 15

Strawberry pickers

Imperial Walkers

and of course Bad Back Stretches and then we grabbed waters and headed to the BBall court for the beatdown. ????

The Thang

We did each of the following exercises listed below at a 20 count.  After each exercise u take off for the benches about 25 yards away and did step-ups or Tri dips and then head back to the court to repeat the first exercise and then add the next exercise. Then back to the benches for dips or step ups until u have hit all 10 exercises.

SSH 20 total 200

Overhead claps 20 total 180

Squats 20 total 160

LBCs 20 total 140

Carolina Drydocks 20 total 120

Lunges 10 each leg total around 100

American Hammers 20 total 80

Merkins 20 total 60

Mountain Climbers 40 total 80

Burpees 10



all who participated in races are back w/o injury


for all injured pax