Baseball is back at the Celery Fields

Beautiful day for a beatdown.  About 70 degrees.

Snapshot and Condenser had a good ruck and discussion about our Shorties.

As it got closer to 7:00 I was afraid that there might only be the two of us, but the others arrived on time.

Five core principles, no FNG.
Mosey to east parking lot: Ssh, Moroccan,  lbc.  We mosied north on Center Road, and we stopped half way for windmills, then on to the field on the north side of Mount Celery.

Baseball is back.  We divided into two teams.   Each team will draw a card of ace-4: single, double, triple, HR.  All members of team sprint to the base.  When getting to the base, draw another card 5-K add 10 to each card. J=11, Q=12, K=13.  Doing the number of reps on the card as a team, in cadence.  Once done, proceed to the next base draw a card and exercise.  When passing home, run scored. When a team draws a joker the inning is over.  Continue until time is up.
Excersises were as follows:
1st base: squats
2nd base: merkins
3rd base:  dying cockroaches
Home plate: monkey humpers

Final score: Team Clutch 10, Team Snapshot 9.  Congratulations to team Clutch with a walk off home run.

Mosey up hill, because we still could. COP and COT on the summit.   We finished with a round of Mary: flutter kicks, modified merkins, mountain climbers,  big ball maracans, LBC, Suzanne Sommers, and Strawberry Pickers.

Today’s Qsource was about your children or Shorties.  Our unwavering sacrifice for our children allows them the freedom to grow into the men and women’s the way they were created to be.  We need to keep this in mind in all of our works and efforts.

Prayers, praises.
Condensers family and their foster child and his father.
Diesels wife continued recovery.
Clutches sons new job.
Hawkeye’s Army friend heading overseas.
Oaks father’s recovery after surgery.
All of our first responders, thank you.

I have enjoyed my first year in F3 and I am honored to lead these men in our pax and I am grateful for you all.

Snapshot ?