And Then There Were 3

a beautiful 60 degree morning, thank You God!

Rowdy, nurse’n a back injury from work’n out too hard too often, couldn’t run but Lambeau n Goob led the charge and had themselves a nice 3+ miler. Rowdy watched over the cars and stretched his back and walked the parking lot while praying and do’n prayer plans.

Announcements-Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conference, Saturday April 13th at Tabernacle Church.? more info to come. Races, Wilson and Swasi Hebert need movers this month.

Praise Reports- Lambeau back to 98% health/strength, his M Betsy is feeling much better as well and he is working through some things at work but has his peace as he tries to see God’s plan over his. Goob is still job searching but has an amazingly positive outlook as, like Lambeau, he is focused on what God is teaching him and waiting for God’s plan and timing. Rowdy has teamed up with Recall to get his presentation ready to get down the missionary road!

Prayer Requests- Goob on his job hunt. Lambeau’s work situation gets resolved, continued recovery for he and his M Betsy. Rowdies gets progress on his presentation to make his missionary dream a reality, the power of words to present well and not be afraid, for his heart to be softened towards Deannas ex while he is still isolating her from her sons for sticking with Rowdy and for Rowdies back, healing. As always injured pax, traveling pax, 1st responders all over the globe and our big 3…Sniper, Zeus (single digit months to retirement!) and Hercules safety.

F3. Respect. Rowdy out.