Pain Station

71F with 73%humidity Warmorama: Mosey around parking like including buttkickers and high knees. Circled up for Salsa Dips, arm circles, plank calve stretches, burpees in cadence, hill billy walkers, alternating…

2020 Three-Way

The year is 2020, which is probably enough said, I just threw in the Three-Way to get Big Mac’s attention. Actually it does play a role. Mission statement and core…

Just a line on the pavement

Crisp morning, low 60s, freezing for FL. Though we had a Cap. Ron sighting he did not stay for the beatdown. May it be he has gotten soft? Not able…

Election Day VQ

Conditions: 53, cold, with 10mph winds from the north. What an excellent day for my VQ!   Not wanting to take too much advantage of the winds; hill repeats it was. …

Captain Thora

Weather: 65 degrees, clear and breezy After last Monday’s debacle of a beatdown, YHC was honestly shocked to see anyone show up this morning. Luckily, those who were there apparently…

No Blow Wednesday

Conditions:78 humid and dark. Welcome CPap from Charlotte! Mozi and Warmup: We launched from the liquor store on Liqour loop and performed high knees, butt kickers, kerioke and Nur stuff.…

The Hotter the Chili…

AP this Saturday hosted dual workouts.  One workout for those pax that are in rehab led by Lobstaah and the other looking for a bit more burn, lead by Chilipepper. …

“Running Late & Pier” led

Florida Fall Weather 67 degrees, Cool and Chilly   Q : Lancelot PAX: El Capitan, Smudge, Tinkertoy, Birdhole “Running Late & Pier” led   *Pre Run around Downtown St Pete, at…

Lone Ranger Beatdown

Beautiful cool (68 degrees) morning at the celery fields today. Beatdown consisted of a warmup, total body workout, and hill running.  Warmup: SSH, stormtroopers, Morrocan’s, strawberry pickers, and a short…