Achin’ Tuesday and a Peek Inside the Mind of a Q


Cool and refreshing. Is this Florida?

YHC almost fartsacked.

“I’ll just roll over and sleep a bit.”

It’s a statement he’d quickly retract.

“WAIT. I have to Q……… praise the Lord!”


Hearty serving of mosey with sides of:

  • High knees
  • Butt kickers
  • Side shuffles
  • Arm Circles
  • Nur

Transition to COP:

  • SSH IC (In Cadence)
  • Windmills IC

Alright, pax aren’t following cadence; time to make this more fun.

  • Squats IC “1 (down), 2 (hold), 3 (up)…1, 2, 3…1, 2……………………………………………………….3…” 
  • Peter Parkers OYO (On Your Own)
  • Parker Peters IC
  • Flutters IC
  • H2H (Heels to Heaven) OYO
  • 3X:
    • 5 Merkins IC
    • 5 Overhead Claps OYO

The Thang

Partner Achin’ Legs Ladders

Pax partnered up and worked a 10-1 ladder of the following exercises:

  • Jump Squats
  • Lateral Lunges
  • Squats

YHC, Flashdance, and Snapshot had tripled up:

Jump squats weren’t too bad, and these lateral lunges are manageable. Good choice, Kotter. Here’s a pat on the back.

Oh, almost at 10…8, 9, 10.

“You’re up Flashdance”…

Whoa; wait, what are those??? 


– Next transition was a mosey to the pavilion for… –

Partner Achin’ Arms and Abs Ladders:

  • Derkins/Leg Lifts 10-1
  • Dips/BBC (Big Boy Crunches) 10-1

Is this too easy? Why isn’t there any MumbleChatter?

Do pax dig this beatdown or are they actually too gassed to talk?

It can’t be that bad…

Why are they looking at me like that? Is that the male version of RBF? 

Lonestar looks like he might go Texas on me…

Maybe I should give them more rest…or more work… so many options…

Is Papa Smurf sleeping?

– Mosey back to parking lot –

Exit Diesel for a “meeting” in Miami. At least he posted despite having the long morning commute!

Team Sandbag Relay:

  • 2 Teams of 4 each
  • 2 Teammates on each side
  • Everyone recycles 4X4 Merkins and Mountain Climbers while 1 partner relays the sandbag to the other side
  • Rinse and Repeat until each teammate has relayed the sandbag twice
  • Losing team totals 50 burpees for their prize

Kotter, 50 burpees? Really? That competitive spirit coming out, huh?


Well, our team won, but now what? Finish watching the other team do burpees to end the beatdown? Well, yeah…

YHC called an audible and all pax completed Burpees IC until reaching 50. Not much work, but a better way to end the beatdown.


Partner Ladders can be great team builders or expose egoists. If you aren’t eyes-on your partner, or on someone else instead, you could get ahead or fall behind. This applies to any and all relationships in a man’s life.

Concentrica is F3’s version of how to organize relationships (For more info). This includes keeping eyes on the right relationships at the right times and knowing when to pivot and when to focus. The military seem to do this well. If you aren’t aware of your 12, 3, 6, and 9 at the right times, you’re quite literally toying with death. Same concept. Let your literal and figurative eyes drift away from the most important people you have relationships with, and the reality is that spiritual, emotional, and even physical death may come knocking. Keep eyes on your 3 and 9 (Shieldlock/close brothers), but more importantly, your 12 (God/Purpose) and 6 (M and children).


  • Events coming up: check newsletter
  • Thursday’s new 5:15am AO at Marina Jack (Meet at the Unconditional Surrender Statue)
  • Engage the backblasts and MumbleChatter on the Website and Facebook! This is a great way to start growing your Shieldlock

2 thoughts on “Achin’ Tuesday and a Peek Inside the Mind of a Q”

  1. Great Q Kotter!! That video clip you posted has some moves that look flashdance like.

    Big 2 clap BOOM to Papa Smurf for a well designed newsletter.

    I think Kotter had a faster pace but during the team up Q. but that means we were done quicker.

    BOOM great work today and nice moleskin to focus our heads for the week.

    See you fellas at the Bridge!!! this Thursday Flash over and out

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