A Pile of Cinder Blocks (AP – 1/12/2019)

Weather:  58 degrees and clear, a little dew

14 HIM, no FNG’s.  Several individual pre-runs and one fellowship pre-walk.  Disclaimer, 5 core principles and then we got to it.

Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the parking lot.  Mixed in were butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2.  Then, the pax circled up for a short warm-up.


  1. SSH x15 IC
  2. Strawberry pickers x10 IC
  3. Abe Vigoda x10 IC
  4. Moroccan Night Clubs x15 IC
  5. Annies: x2 each arm
  6. Side Plank x2 each arm

** Note to future QIC – Some Pax will complain about the rough surface of the parking lot if they have to place their hands on it.

The Thang

Pax partnered up and formed two parallel lines.  Each member of the line on the right side grabbed a brick.  Pax commenced a medium speed mozey, passing the brick back and forth with their partner.  On each pass, the partner would extend the brick above their head a few times and then pass it back.  This seemed easy enough for the pax at first.

Fun with Animals.  Pax paused the mozey at the baseball field.  There were two lines of cones, about 25 yards apart.  Pax lined up on one side and then performed an animal walk to the other line of cones and back.  This was done at 1 min intervals.  Pax cycled through two sets of this:

  1. Bear Crawl
  2. Duck Walk
  3. Crab Walk
  4. Crawl Bear

Pax then formed two parallel lines with bricks on one side.  Mozey continued to the bridge.

Bridge Climb.  Pax split into two groups, staged at either side of the bridge.  On each side was an exercise station.  Pax would perform the exercises at the station, and then cross the bridge using the method suggested by that station.  Pax repeated this for two rotations.

  • Near Side Station:  25 Carolina Dry Docks, 50 American Hammers.  Rail squats up the bridge to the top, mozey down.
  • Far Side Station:  25 Merkins, 50 LBC’s.  Lunge walk up the bridge to the top, mozey down.

After this, pax formed two parallel lines again with bricks on one side.  Mozey at medium pace back to the hockey rink.  Brick passing and lifts became surprisingly difficult.  Ripken explained this was due to making your heart pump blood above your head, while running.

Main Event.  Pax split into two groups in the hockey rink.  On each side was a station with 8 exercises.  One side enhanced the exercises with water jugs, the other with cinder blocks. Pax would perform the first exercise at the station, run to the middle of the court, knock out one burpee and then run to the other side.  At the other side, pax would perform the next exercise.  This continued until 8am.

Station 1 (with cinder blocks):

  • 20 decline merkins (feet on block)
  • 30 Squats holding block
  • 20 Cowbell swings with block
  • 30 Step-ups on block
  • 20 One arm high Merkins (one hand on block – 10 each side)
  • 30 Calf raises holding block
  • 20 Overhead press with block
  • 20 Bent over row with block

Station 2 (with water jugs):

  • 20 American Hammer with water jug
  • 30 Shoulder taps
  • 20 LBC with water jug
  • 30 Peter Parkers
  • 30 Heavy Freddies (holding water jug in air)
  • 30 Imperial Walkers (holding water jug in air)
  • 30 Mountain climbers
  • 20 Hello Dolly (holding water jug in air)

Praises / Prayers:

  • Chili: Will be starting a new job.
  • Sparky:  Expecting child number 5.


  • Men’s Night.  Jan 25th at Bayside.  Open to all.  Don’t need to be a Bayside member.  See Drake for details.
  • Various runs and Tri evens.  See Newsletter for details.
  • Special Needs Prom.  In February.  Recall has details.