16 Years Means 3-Ways

Date: June 1, 2019

Weather: Temperature: 80 degrees. Humidity: 300%. Dew point: 74 degrees. Sun: way too close. Wind: fartsacking.

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Chili Pepper, Defender, LG, Messi, Manziel, Olympus, Pincher

With the cool kids running off to St. Pete to play on the beach and start an AO, 7 of us stuck around Lakewood Ranch for a beatdown at Adventure Park. After the core principles and disclaimers were shared, we headed on a mozi to down near the dog park with high knees, butt kickers, carioca x2, and nur. We circled up near the dog park for the COP which included (approximately):

  • 16x side straddle hops
  • 16x imperial walkers
  • 16x strawberry pickers
  • 16x moroccan nightclubs

The count on each was a mystery to the pax until Pincher, who was at F5 the day before and apparently spent too much time there gossiping, figured it out and blurted “Happy Anniversary!” So the secret was out and the theme for the beatdown would be the celebration of me and my M’s 16th anniversary. After all, who else in F3 would get married in Florida on the first day of hurricane season? But before that, we had an Indian Run back to the pavilion to grab our drinks and move over to the echo chamber.

Once we got there, I stated that we were going to celebrate with some 3-ways (possibly an indication that I mentally still may not be back from Key West). In F3, the 3-way consists of a set of three different types of exercises, one each performed at 3 different locations on the rink (in this case, one end line, the center line and the other end line), with a mode of transportation to get from one location to the other. Once you do the exercise at the second end line, you turn around and go back to hit the center line and the first end line again so that you get 5 sets in all together. This time, 16 reps of each exercise were designated, for the reasons stated above.

Set 1:

  • 1st end line: merkins
  • center line: Carolina drydocks
  • 2nd end line: shoulder taps
  • transportation: duck walk

Set 2:

  • 1st end line: American hammers
  • center line: LBCs
  • 2nd end line: big boy sit ups
  • transportation: bear crawl

Set 3:

  • 1st end line: flutter kicks
  • center line: mountain climbers
  • 2nd end line: monkey humpers
  • transportation: toy soldiers

Set 4:

  • 1st end line: Freddie Mercury
  • center line: Peter Parkers
  • 2nd end line: boxcutters
  • transportation: bear crawl

Set 5:

  • 1st end line: plank jacks
  • center line: LBCs
  • 2nd end line: burpees
  • transportation: duck walk

We had enough of that, so it was over to the basketball courts to do a Dora, with 160 Evander Holyfields, 200 overhead claps, and 200 lunges (original plan was 160 each but the Holyfields were done so fast, we didn’t want it to be too easy). Those not doing the exercises ran the circular path around the trees next to the rink.

With some time left, we knew that it was necessary to pay proper homage to the TV star in the group, so YHC called for 5 minutes of Ripken suicides. By this time, the sun and humidity were making their presence known, but we all survived. A couple of minutes were left for a round of Mary, and we got in some salsa dips and LBCs.


  • June 10, Ronald McDonald House volunteer event. Sign ups are online.
  • 4 miler on July 3
  • Get out and support all of our AOs

Praises & Prayer requests:

  • Praises to my M for putting up with me for so long
  • Healing for injured pax & family members
  • Troops, firefighters, police & first responders
  • Lancelot’s TV channel selections

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