Who’s Q? Who Cares?

Weather: perfect. Upper-50s, light breeze, dew point 54F.

Welcome: at 0515, pax piled out of their vehicles and circled-up for a quick welcome and gameplan discussion. Rumor had it Lambeau was still sick and that Trump and Dumbo / Rowdy would make an appearance. Only the Lambeau rumor turned-out true. “Who’s Q?” One pax inquired. “Who cares?” was the immediate response. Work must get done with or without the assigned leader.

The Thang: Today’s run workout was a marathon pace tempo run. The idea behind tempo pace is for the effort to be comfortably hard, but not destructive. This trains your mind to tolerate race pace discomfort and to build aerobic endurance without the recovery requirement of an actual race.

Pax started with 2-miles at easy pace then stepped up to 7:40 min / mile for the 3rd mile. Miles 4-7 were at Gridlock marathon pace, or 7:20-7:25.

Pax took the south route over the bridge and through Waterlefe and back. The conversation was lively and the effort good. All pax made it back to the parking lot in reasonably good shape. Goob’s blisters from a new pair of shoes did him no favors. YHC and Defib both agreed that they each need new shoes. Pre-runs may suffer as a result until new shoes are purchased.

Hoka’s ordering system has been down the last few day’s, and YHC’s usual shoe stores (Fit2Run and St Pete Running Co) are both out of stock on the Clifton 5’s, with each citing Hoka ordering problems. This stinks as YHC’s Hokas are at end-of-life with 500+ miles on each pair and runner’s knee pain is rearing its ugly head!! If anyone has a lead on a store that his Clifton 5’s in stock (size 10.5) let YHC know. May have to purchase a gap-filler pair (Brooks Ghost or something) to keep injuries at bay until Hoka gets their shyte together.

Anyway, was a great beatdown and the fellowship was the best part!


  1. 2-yr anniversary convergence Mar 30.
  2. Number of local road trail races coming up.

Praises / Requests:

  1. First responders.
  2. Injured / sick pax.
  3. F3 to continue to make a community impact outside of the standard weekly beatdowns.

Thankful for the Q’ing opportunity and for the fellowship with good men.

“To do what others cannot do, do what others will not do.”
