Where is that Parking Garage?

With a very slight “chill” in the air the 3 HIM’s headed off for a Mosy after a quick reminder of the Core Principles.

We headed down Tamiami and circled up for some exercises doing SSH’s and Strawberry Pickers… in the middle of the Strawberry Pickers one of the “local” folks wanted to know if Diesel had a lighter? We finished the Strawberry Pickers and decided to continue our Mosy a little farther where we circled up again for some Imperial Walkers.

The Thang

Parking Garage’s were the main meal for this morning. We located the first parking garage and did 10 Merkins on the bottom and top of each ramp all the way to the 7th level. We then ran down the stairs to the bottom for a drink. We then ran back up the stairs to the top where we did 20 Moroccan NC’s on the top and bottom of each ramp while NURing down each ramp.

When done we grab our water and headed off for the second garage. Along the way we stopped at a bench and did 10 Derkins and continued towards the second garage…around another corner still no garage.. maybe behind us… head back and along the way we stopped at a curb and did 20 step ups… still no garage… down another block and still no garage… we then did 25 LBC’s and 20 Leg Lifts… wait there is the garage but with only 10 minutes left and still having to run back we passed on the garage this time.. but now YHC knows where it is for the next time. 🙂

With a few minutes left we did a quick round of 7’s with SSH’s and Toy Soldiers. ‘

With all the running around we did manage to do 2.5 miles along with all the exercises.


Prayers for the PAX that are hurting, our police and military that protect us everyday.