Unconditional Sprints, Work, Repeat.

On a Beautiful Wednesday evening while the Pax enjoyed the 2nd F at The Rusty Bucket or time with friends , family and commitments yours truly took to the new evening AO with the evening Pax members to push both mind and body. With clear skies, light winds and 82 degree temps we met up and started with the 5 core principles, disclaimers, followed by stretches and then a double time quick pace toward the bridge. I decided a higher intensity workout of heavy calisthenics combined with sprints in these warm temps would do the job so the bridge was not necessary today.

Took a left in to the oval along the bay and stopped for some warm ups. Start with 10 4 count SSH, Strawberry Pickers and Mountain Climbers. A little sweat is starting to build on the forehead at his point. Check on everyone and off we go, time for the thang.

The Thang: the Oval has multiple parking spaces along its entire corridor at different distances allowing for different sprint distances when moving from one spot to another. I determined the distance while on the run so they were always guessing and sucking for air today. Each stop required a number of different exercises and reps. The beatings were fast and furious, there was no rest, there was no 10 counts today and they hung in like Light Fighters. Two loops were completed this evening and 2 miles were covered easily. Since I led ever sprint from the front this evening the guessing of whats next was kept to a quiet chatter of heavy breathing behind me. Here are the beatings in order with the distances between stations always differing in distance. The not knowing is the best or the worst depending on your state of mind.

Lt Dans

Shoulder Tap Merkins

Bulgarian Ball Busters

Carolina Dry Docks (Sweat is now dripping)

Overhead Hand Claps, Moroccan Nightclubs and Arm Circles Q stopped when the burn made running seem like fun

Scorpion Dry Docks

Hello Dolly, Flutter kicks, LBCs continued until Q couldn’t take anymore

Thors Hammer (soaking down in sweat at this point)

Peter Parkers

Carolina Wine Mixer

Scissor Planks

Super Burpees (Everything hurts now)

Seal Straddle hops

Scissor Straddle hops

Hilly Billy Lunge walk for 50 meters (I think they preferred the running)

Run some more!

We ended with 4 minutes to spare so I cooled down the group with some hamstring, lower back, side and tricep stretches.



  • Talked about getting a morning Gloom in at NBP and experiencing the glory of the Gloom on a larger scale
  • Gator Wilderness Camp run on the 27th of April, be there or be square
  • Sup N Run on the 25th of May
  • SRQ Vets 5 k Hike on the 25th of May
  • Great Mothers Day 5 k race on 11th of May
  • GoRuck Light event 1st of June in Tampa
  • Savage Race on the 9th of November F3 Suncoast Team ready for sign ups

Praises and Prayer Requests:

  • Our First Responders, Our Military to stay on point and be safe and protected
  • All our injured and tired Pax member for a timely and healthy recovery

At the end of the workout we were tired, discovered there are exercises that are hard on you core, difficult to master and even harder to balance. So the core, shoulders, legs and cardio all need work to be stronger, faster and leaner. The goal is simple, the work is hard, the results are earned. Until next week, come out and enjoy the best AO this time of day for a beating and some F2 after, next week O’Learys after the beating. It will be well deserved.


Coop out, Airborne!