There’s Just Something ’bout Mary

Welcome back to our Wednesday evening gloom at Unconditional Surrender. Temps are sunny, blazing sun and 90 degrees with very little breeze to assist in cool downs. The usual suspects YHC, LL Bean and Lurch are ready to go at 1815 hrs. I go through the 5 core principles, disclaimers and warm up the Pax with stretches. Having run a 1 mile warm up I know how stifling the heat is becoming and today is no exception.

We double time toward the bridge and run into Golden Gate Point and use the loop and empty parking spaces as pain stations for today’s beatdown. As the Q I explain that today I will decide the running distances between beatdown stations and we will rotate once we arrive at each station the exercises to be done. So a session of Marys hence, there is something ’bout Mary. The number of reps is limited to 15 total if a 4 count exercise is selected. So we rotate three exercises and double time to the next pain station. We cover 2 miles all together and the sweat pours this afternoon as we do burpees, dry docks, hand release merkins, LBCs, American Hammers, Lt Dans, Box Cutters, Tripe Lindsays, dips, Step ups, Boat-Canoes, etc. There was no weakness shown or quarter given this evening.

At the conclusion we stretch and slowly head back to the statue. Announcements, praises, prayers and COT are completed and we head off for a second F at O’Learys.

As Summer continues to roll up on us these beatdowns will only get harder and you can only get stronger. In Winter the workouts encourage the use of carbs for energy and the body stores fat however, in the Summer heat guess what? The exact opposite, and the body uses fat for energy hence, weight loss! Come on out and join us and burn some fat, get stronger, faster and do the Light Fighter work!


Coop out, Airborne!!!