Solo Ladder

Weather Hot and Humid (Just like every other day in Florida during the summer)

QIC – Mr Clean

Pax in Attendance:  Mr Clean

Mosy – None – Just started

The THANG – I borrowed Sniper’s ladder exercise but if I have known it was going to be just me I would have been a lot nicer to myself… 🙂

Ladder consisting of the following and between exercises one lap around the parking lot.

SSH’s – 20

Over Head Claps – 20

Squats – 20

LBC’s – 20

Carolina Dry Docks – 20

Lunges – 10 each leg

American Hammers – 20 (counting 1 side)

Merkins – 20

Peter Parkers – 20

Burpees – 10

COT.  Count-o-rama was followed by name-o-rama.  – even the new math I was only able to get to the number 1 …

Prayers: for all the decision makers involved with school reopening, where to go to school.. etc. Please keep safe our military and first responders.
