11 Men – Lion’s Den

Happy September!


Today we had a fun visit from Tackle-berry from North Carolina to join us at Lion’s Den.

Kotter helped with the Q since I am a rookie leading….


Started off with a good little Mosi up and around the Hill.

Then we gathered around and did some warmup exercises.

Then we did a jog, sprint, jog, sprint, jog sprint to another parking lot.

Did 20 SSH and

Then we did a jog, sprint, jog, sprint, jog sprint to another parking lot.

Went to the benches and did 20 chair dips with 20 step ups



Teams of 3 (one team of 2)

One person at the base of the hill held a plank, the other person at the top of the hill did merkins, and the other person ran up and down the hill, alternating person until everyone had ran up and down the hill 5 times

Always aware of the “4 on the roar”


Kotter then took us to the finish:

We had a deck of cards in two different areas and the group split into 2. Each person had to pick a card and do the amount of reps the card says and the exercise assigned to the suite “Merkins, Flutter kicks, Leg lifts, LBC’s” and then one team bear crawls to the other location and the other team Crab Walk. Once two rounds are complete, 20 burpees (4 on the roar does not apply hear 🙂

Repeat 3 times


I had an uncle day with my 4 year old niece recently and I let her plan some of the day. It may seem silly, but what I learned from that day was how she enjoyed planning the day, but once we did each activity she was so excited and focused on that part of the day. She wasn’t constantly looking to the next thing. While it is important to look ahead and plan, I want to become more and more present in every part of my life and not so focused on the future that I miss out on today!

Prayer requests/ Announcements:

  • Gator Wilderness banquet Tuesday, September 20 (Let Slater know if you can go)
  • F3 retreat at Gator Wilderness Camp (Work projects, camping, beatdown) – Oct 12-14
  • Clay Pigeon Fundraiser for 4H – contact Sniper
  • 5k race with Special Athletes – contact Zeus
  • Pray for Clutch’s son elbow
  • Pray for Andy with new transition and Youth Pastor search
  • Labor day beatdown at 7AM

Have a Happy Labor Day!!!