Quick Draw and Triangles

Temp 75 and humid

Five showed up for last minute Snapshot beatdown.

Mosey around the Audubon building including butt kickers, high knees, and karaoke both sides.  We gathered on the patio for warmup, side straddle hops, strawberry pickers, moroccan night clubs and imperial walkers.

We picked up our bricks and headed up mother hill.  I shuffled the bricks and explained our assignment.  Each brick had a number and an excersise on it.  One be one we would blind draw a brick and do that excersise.  After the exercise we would run down and back up grandmother hill.  Seven bricks equals seven visits to grandmothers.

Exercises included:
10 merkins
20 Freddie Mercury’s
30 Strawberry pickers
40 Squats
50 LBC
60 Dying Cockroaches
70 American Hammers

When completed we did triangles.
Triangle 1: 10 merkins , Nur to point one and two, bear crawl to point three.
Triangle 2: 20 merkins, Nur to point one and two, bear crawl to point three.
Triangle 3: 20 squats, Nur to each point.
Triangle 4: 5 burpees, by Slater’s request, on your own transportation to each point.

4 minutes left for a round of Mary: 20 shoulder taps, 10 big boy situps, 15 mountain climbers, and 30 Susan Summers.

Slater brought a good message about how teamwork is great, but there are times when we have to go one-on-one and how it ties in with F3.

The lions must have been tired.  We only heard them right after we finished.  And we thanked them.

Care2Tri next Saturday.
Ragnar coming up.
Ronald McDonald house and Salvation Army in December.

Prayers for Papa Smurf and his M.  Diesel’s M, and Snapshots M.  Our first responders and the start up of the ladies program, FIA.

Always a enjoyable pleasure when I can lead this group of men.
