QSource | Q2 Live Right

QSource | Q2 Live Right

Weather | 84° F | Humidity 67% | Wind: 7mph W

2 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we began the second quadrant Live Right with Q2: Live Right. We are currently transitioning into our next book study, Fathering Like the Father.  The new study will be at the same time and place, Adventure Park Saturdays at 6:15am. QSource will continue for the rest of 2019 at WaWa after the Saturday beatdowns at approximately 8:15.

Q2 | Live Right


The Dedication To Purposefulness


1 Peter 2:24 (NIV) He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.


  • Are we alive for a reason outside of our own existence?
  • What happens to a man who lives primarily for himself?
  • Is there an intrinsic benefit in living for others?


To Live Right a man must have an ultimate Purpose in mind

  • To be Purposeful is to Commit oneself to bringing an Advantage into fruition.
  • Live Right is focused on the HIM’s IMPACT on the lives of other people and how he helps them to Accelerate.
  • Advantage cannot be achieved by a single Movement, but must be obtained progressively by traveling through a series of Waypoints, which are the stepping stones along the path.

To Live Right requires self-sacrifice

  • A man who Commits to Purpose abandons service to himself because he finds that he cannot serve two masters.
  • A man who has gotten Right is no longer expending most of his energy to merely survive.
  • To Live Right is to Live Third, which is to consistently and deliberately place oneself behind Creator and Community.

Living Right helps a man to stay Right

  • Without the influence of a Belief System to guide him, a man ends up living on the wrong end of the Sur-Ser Continuum, which is the span between a Survivor and a Servant.
  • On the Survivor end of the Sur-Ser Continuum are those men can who only stay alive by feeding off of their Community.
  • At the opposite end of the continuum are the Servants, those men who have gotten Right and now Live Right to the Advantage of their Groups while expecting nothing in return.
  • The bad news and good news for a Sad Clown is that the Sur-Ser Continuum is not static.
  • The HIM is also a man who finds that in his effort to Live Right by carrying the Survivors and IMPACTing the Sad Clowns he gets an unexpected benefit—he himself is kept Right.


  • To Live Right a man must have an Ultimate Purpose in mind
  • To Live Right requires self-sacrifice
  • Living Right helps a man to stay Right

Homework for 6/1

Note: We will be meeting as usual at the AP Pavilion, however we will clown car to St. Pete for the launch. Discussing Q2.1 on the way and/or coffeteria afterwards.

Thoughts for the week:

  • Can a man self-initiate positive change in his life?
  • Can a broken man be helped?
  • Can an unbroken man be convinced to risk abandoning his Status Quo?