Pre-Blast For Wednesday 3/25/2020

QIC- Crabcakes

5 Core Principles-

  1. held outside, rain or shine, heat or cold, humidity or running in clouds
  2. led in a rotating fashion by idiots like me
  3. free to all
  4. open to all men of all walks
  5. ends in a virtual circle of trust/prayer

The Warmup:

  • 1/4 mile mozy to include High Knees, buttkickers, and NUR
  • 20 SSH OYO
  • 10 Windmills OYO
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers OYO
  • 10 Arm circles forward
  • 10 Arm circles backward
  • 10 Michael Phelps

The THANG::::

7/11 of Diamonds

Sticking with my recent casino themed workouts, today we shift the focus to two of the key numbers in Craps….7 and 11.  Craps is a dice game in which the players make wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series … A come-out roll of 7 or 11 is a “natural”; the Pass line wins and Don’t Pass loses.

Today everyone WINS!!!

Start by finding a large square area, a basketball court, baseball diamond, 4 way stop intersection, tennis court or an open field.

For the first of 11 rounds, do 7 reps of an exercise (burpees) at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round up t0 42 and then work your way back down each round by 7 until you have completed all 11 rounds.

7 Burpees

14 Merkins

21 LBC’s

28 Side Straddle Hops

35 American Hammers-Count each side 1,2,3,4 etc

42 Moroccan Nightclubs

35 Calf Raises

28 Should Taps-count each shoulder 1,2,3,4 etc

21 Plank Jacks

14 Squats

7 Burpees


Psalm 34:17 says….The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help.  He rescues them from all their troubles.

What is troubling you right now? There’s a lot going on in our world that is way outside of our control but is impacting each of us, our families, our friends, etc.. Many of these things weigh on each of us differently, some may keep us awake at night, some may wake us up in the middle of the night, some may impact our concentration, some may impact our appetite and some might have an impact on our level of patience and our ability to deal with things that 2 weeks ago were simple.   Lift these up to the Lord in Prayer allow him to be in your corner fighting with you……

I encourage you today, like Ripken did yesterday, reach out to another member of the PAX and check in on them, see how they are handling this awkward time, share words of encouragement or just be an ear.  We will get through this challenging time but it will be easier to get through it together rather than alone. 

See you all soon,
