Play with Bricks…

5 Core Principles

  • Free
  • Open to all Men
  • Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Peer led
  • End with Circle of Trust


Coupons are recommended.  38 lb cinder block are optional but recommended!


Get it going!

  • 20 Strawberry Pickers IC (In Cadence called out by Q)
  • 20 Finkle Swings (swing leg back and forth 10 on Right, 10 on Left)
  • 20 Merkin
  • 20 Salsa Dips IC Q Led.
  • 20 Two touch lunges IC – Lunge touch knee to floor, then 2 more knee touches. 10 right then 10 left
  • 20 Michel Phelps


The Terrible Thang

Round 1.  100 of the following (Cut A Wicked Flip)

  • 10 Hand Release Merkin + Shoulder Tap at the top
  • 10 Coupon Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Repeat

Round 2. 120 of the following (Side Huddle)

  • 10 Right Side Bends with Coupon
  • 10 Left Side Bends w/coupon
  • 10 squats w/coupon
  • Repeat

Round 3. 100 of the following (Stir the Kettle)

  • 5 Right Hand Kettle Bell Swing (can be substituted by 10 two hand Swings)
  • 5 Left Hand Kettle Bell Swing
  • 10 Coupon Curls.

Round 4. 100 of the following (Clean the Pickle)

  • 10 Clean and Press
  • 10 Pickle Pointers w/Coupon

Round 5. 150 of the following (Arm Burn)

  • 10 Triceps Dips on Coupon
  • 10 Bottom Half Coupon Curl – Biceps Curl from starting till arm is parallel to floor.
  • 10 Top Half Coupon Curl – Biceps starting parallel to floor up to 90 degrees




  • F3 Outlaw trail run Monday 4/26 at 8:00 launch.
  • Join upcoming bible app plan:
  • May 1st AOs back in session with restrictions –  details in F3 Suncoast Newsletter Spring 2020



Prayers and Praises

  • QuickDraw’s health
  • I Spy’s Job
  • Billy Defib LoPresti
  • Sarah and Lori
  • Andrew’s M’s Continued Migranes
  • Ripken’s Abkle, Chili’s Ankle and Foot, Stagecoach’s Foot
  • Any injured pax.
  • Doctors, First responders and all those people that keep our community and country running.


See you in the digital gloom!