Board of Quarantine

Date: 4/29/2020

Weather: 66 degrees (forecast)

QIC: Manziel

Pax: ?????

Core principles:

  1. Free
  2. Outside
  3. Open to all men
  4. Lead in a rotation
  5. Ends in a circle of trust


  1. I’m not a professional, and I don’t even play one on TV
  2. Modify as necessary
  3. Sue Lancelot (that’s going to take some getting used to)

These days, we’re all longing for the past. Simpler times. And what could be simpler than a good old Board of Pain workout? I’m sure that was going to be your answer, and it happens that you’re in luck.

Of course we start with the mozi with the butt kickers, carioca x2, high knees, and nur. Then a COP with:

  • 20x SSH
  • 10x windmills
  • 10x strawberry pickers
  • 10x hillbilly walkers
  • 20x arm circles
  • 20x Michael Phelps

Now on to the Board of Pain. You know the routine. A total of 10 exercises on the Board. Do the first two, run a lap (about 250 yards). Get back, start at the top and do the first two, then the next two, then run. Rinse & repeat, and keep adding two at a time until you get to the point where you do the whole Board. Here it is:

  1. 30 LBCs
  2. 30 Mountain climbers
  3. 30 Plank jacks
  4. 30 Shoulder taps
  5. 20 Merkins
  6. 20 Freddie Mercury
  7. 20 Carolina drydocks
  8. 20 Lunges
  9. 10 Jack Webb
  10. 10 Captain Thor

(note: on the Jack Webb and Captain Thors, go straight to 10x merkins/big boy situps and 40x overhead claps/American hammers – no need to count up unless you really want to).


Praises & Prayer requests:

  • Defib & family, and everyone else in health care
  • Troops, police, firefighters and other first responders
  • Injured pax
  • Sarah and Lori, for continued healing
  • Prayers for everyone suffering from the fallout of COVID-19, and a quick economic recovery
  • Praise for Radar’s promotion, prayers for it to go full time
  • Wise decisions from political leadership

Manziel out.