Oh the number of burpees we’ll do

QIC:  Goob

Weather: 55 and dark

PAX in attendance:  Bubbles, Crabcakes, Goob, JimmyDean, Manziel, Sir Wallace, ShamWow, Trump, and Zeus

At exactly 5:15, Goob called the PAX together in the parking lot and recited the 5 core principles, interwoven with the disclaimer (a skill of still being asleep in the gloom).  The mozy commenced and included buttkickers, high knees, NUR, and 2 total laps.  We circled up in the parking lot to perform 16 SSH, 10 Strawberry Pickers, 10 Windmills, arm circles, agitators, and Michael Phelps.  After that, and in honor of JimmyDean standing directly beside me, we performed bad back stretches.  It was at this point one from the peanut gallery commented that we should spend time stretching at the end of the workout.  Noted.  Probably won’t happen, but noted.

Once stretching and warmups were complete and after the PAX had been mumbling about Goob’s cryptic birthday celebration from the night before on GroupMe, QIC informed everyone that the all important birthday to be celebrated was in fact that of Dr. Seuss.  He was born March 2, 1904 and would’ve been 116 years old.  Celebration ensued!  I overheard some saying that they would throw confetti if they had it.  This was the inspiration for the following-

After calling the PAX to the picnic area and clarifying for Crabcakes that the workout would in fact be performed under the pavilion rather than under the picnic tables, the celebration was unveiled.  First up, a 19:04 AMRAP (as many rounds as possible).  The prescribed exercises were as follows:  25 tricep dips, 25 decline merkins, 25 step-ups, 25 LBC’s, and 16 SSH.  (THAT IS 116 reps FOR ALL THE MATH MAJORS)  After completing all 116 reps, one needed to run the circumference of the parking lot.  Repeat.  Again, the goal was to complete as many rounds of that “FUN” as possible in 19:04.  The chatter was low aside from the gasps, panting, and “I hate Goob”.

Next up, the PAX were to partner up for a 116 rep DORA.  While one person performed the exercise, the other ran the parking lot.  First up, 116 burpees.  Everyone was celebrating at this point; it was quite literally a party.  Next came the 116 big boy situps.  Unfortunately, 6 o’clock came to soon and the party had to end.  Tears were shed.  Crabcakes said it best, “oh the muscles that are going to hurt.”

All joking aside, it was an honor to lead this morning.  We are all facing many trying times in one way or another.  However, Dr. Seuss provides some great advice-

“You’re off to great places!  Today is your day!  Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!”



  • GrowRuck- April 3rd
  • Sup-N-Run- May 30th


  • Ripken’s M and family
  • Trane’s M and family
  • Rowdy’s foot
  • Sir Wallace’s father-in-law
  • all the many on the prayer chain

Until next time…