No Easy Way Out





43F clear and breezy

QIC: Sir Wallace

PAX: Steel, Papa Smurf, F3 Toledo Ohio guests: Moana and Romano, FNG’s: ArmBar and TinMan






Intro: Spoke on core principles, welcomed F3 visitors and new guys to the group.


Big Mosie around Hill with HighKnees, Buttkickers, and Karaokes.

Circled up in parking lot:

Toy soldiers, Strawberry pickers, SSH, Walk out Merkins, (heard roaring lion: Burpees administered), Peter Parker’s, leg stretches


ALARM Routine

A-L-A-R-M (stands for Arm, Leg, Abs, ‘R’ Exercise, ‘M’ Exercise):

An exercise group of movements performed in successive fashion without rest; performed in multiples (reminder to modify as needed)

  • Between 20 – 30 reps each:
  • Each run is a sprint up the hill and back “No easy way out”

ALARM 1 = tricep dips, Lunges, LBC, hand release Merkins, Run

ALARM 2 = Shoulder Taps, Squat Jumps,  V-ups, Triangle Merkins, run

ALARM 3 = Burpees, Air chair, Mountain Climbers, Run

ALARM 4 = Thor hammers (courtesy of Moana), low and high Flutter kicks, overhead claps, incline wide Merkins, Final Run!

Cool Down:

Circled up at hill top = took turns calling exercises; partner high punches, alternating jump lunge to squat to stand jump, Carolina dry docks, SSH, Get-Ups, monkey Humpers, (another set of burpees thanks to roaring lion), imperial walkers, side to side lunges, agitators and leg stretches.


Announcements: Signup for Growruck, Ronald McDonald house.

Praises = to Gridlock for a successful Super Hero 5K community event with a huge number of F3 supporters.

Prayers = to the M’s of Ripken and Trane battling cancer. Also to Papa Smurf and family still mourning the loss of grandchild who was killed 4 years ago in vehicle collision… disturbingly, the person responsible is up to be released from prison already.

Lifted up requests to The Lord and gave Him praise. Glory be to God!

Yours truly,

– Sir Wallace