Mind, Body, & Soul Detox

2/8/2020 AP beatdown 0700 hrs 45F clear with plenty of morning dew

16 PAX = Sparky, 8-Ball, Recall, Amazon, Rebar, Omaha, Woodford, Drake, CrunchBerry, ShamWow, GrandSlam, FIFA, Bubbles, Lambeau, Jimmy Dean, 9-Lives

Q = Sir Wallace

Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

Warm up

Two Mosey laps around pond: karaoke’s, butt kickers, side shuffles, high knees, nur

Circle up:

Arm circles, strawberry pickers, ssh, shoulder taps, mnt. Climbers, 6” hold leg raises, Merkins, toy soldiers


Diamond routine: ~100 yards completes one round then next exercise

(Hold plank position until all in)

  • 5 reps burpees at all 4 cones, MOT = sprint
  • 10 reps meekins x’s 4 ““ MOT = bear crawl
  • 15 reps salsa drops x’s 4 “” MOT nur
  • 20 heels to heaven x’s 4 “” MOT sprint
  • 25 reps plank Jacks x’s 4 “” MOT sprint

Form 2 teams

Line up at Pull-up bars:

  • each pax performs  5 sets pull-ups  with rep hold to 5,4,3,2,1 in rotation while other Pax perform an exercise (lunges, overhead claps, air chairs, SSH, arm circles)

Tractor tire flips:

  • two tires with singles file line of pax jogging in place/ high knees while front man flips tire 1,2, or 3 times then goes to back of line

(Once all pax had a turn, change direction, and repeat this routine for a duration of 10 minutes)

– An all out full throttle lap around cones and back

Cool Down

Regrouped at pavilion:

  • tricep dips
  • Low flutter kicks
  • American hammers
  • Supermans
  • Carolina Dry docks

Circles of Trust

Welcome two new FNGs:

ChrunchBerry and GrandSlam

FNG: CrunchBerry

FNG: GrandSlam


  • Super Hero 5K next Saturday’s morning at Benderson Park


  • great turnout at Night to Shine
  • Injured Pax returning today and gave it their best
  • For pax being brave enough to speak up and open their heart to each other


  • heartfelt group prayer for fellow pax in attendance that are overcoming personal struggles, that God strengthens, heals and guides them

**Special thanks to Drake for a powerfully lead prayer**

It’s an honor and a pleasure to workout and pray with you faithful Men.

  • Sir Wallace