Just the Two of Us

Nice morning a little muggy 72 degrees.

I arrived early at Mount Celery to get few hills in to see Steel had already beat me.  He had started his own workout.  So I started the hill.  I came back down the second time to find Papa Smurf looking around like he was lost.  We waited a few minutes and Papa led us in a mozey around the west side of the hill.  When we got to the top he lead us in a triangle of merkins, mode of transportation was nur, crab crawl and run.  After that he added round of 7’s of merkins and LBCs.  If only one of us could count!

Next I was up for:


A – Al Gore Hold 1 Minute
B – Box Cutters 15
C – Carolina Drydocks  10
D – Diamond Merkins 10
E – Dying Cockroaches
F – Freddie Mercury’s  15
G – Gorilla Humpers 15
H – Heals to Heaven 20
I – Imperial Walkers  each leg 20
J – Jump Ups, Bobby Hurleys 15
K – Knuckle Merkins 15
L – LBC’s 30
M – Mountain Climbers 20
N – North American Hammers 25
O – Overhead Claps
P – Plank Jack 20
Q – Flutter Qicks each 20
R – Russian Twist 20 **
S – Strawberry Pickers 20
T – Toy Soldiers each leg 20
U – Burpees 10
V – Shoulder Taps ea arm 10
W – Windmills 20
X – Moroccan Nightclubs 30
Y – Monkey Humpers 15
Z – Side Straddle Hops 30

**Russian Twists – American Hammers from squat position

Spell your full name – first, middle, last and F3.

Do the exercise for each letter that spells your name.

After each part of your name, run the top of Mount Celery.

Yes this is a repeat of a previous  workout, but we enjoyed ourselves sweating.

Announcment:  Reminder of the Murph on Memorial Day at 7:00 am at Adventure Park

Prayers:  for Sparky and his family during this time of grieving for his brother Eric and his family.

For Sarah and Lori for their continued recovery.

For Defib and his family and all first responders and military.

It was great to see Papa Smurf and looking forward to Memorial day at AP.

Lost track of the lions roar at 5.

SnapShot ?