It’s A New Thing: Hooker’s Pier

The Pax: Ozzy (War Daddy), Tinker Toy (FNG to DTSP and Kotter), Smudge and Bird Hole (Q and YHC).



COP: Mosey to Hooker’s Pier for…

  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Peter Parkers
  • 20 Westminsters (St. Pete version of Windmill)
  • 20 Running With Scissors

Mosey to Northshore Park Beach wall: 20 dips, 10 decline merkins, 12 step ups each leg (or 10 wall jumps)

Heartbreak Ridge (Indian Run with hands held high with each pax running full circle around line)

Weightwork: Each pax do 15 reps on each fo 3 different arm building weight equipment on park equipment (next to tennis courts) with a mosey around huge Banyan tree in between. LBC’s while waiting. Repeato.

Mosey back to Northshore Park Beach wall:

  • 20 Dips,
  • 10 Irkins,
  • 12 Step ups each leg (or 10 wall jumps)
Mosey to grass area for…

Ferris Wheel: From middle, run out 20 yards to do called merkin then return to center for next call. 2nd run out to another “spoke” and repeato total of 4X:

15 Stagger Right, 15 Stagger Left, 15 Dive Bombers, 15 Carolina Drydocks

Mosey lap around tennis courts to grassy area for…

  • 20 Rosalitas
  • 20 Box Cutters
  • 6 inches
  • 10 Dying Cockroach
  • 10 Penguins
  • 10 Penguin Plus (legs in air)

Hooker’s Pier Redux: Mosey back to Hooker’s Pier for slow sprint to end for called exercise and return: 10 each Knee jumps, Star Jacks, and Bobby Hurleys

COT: Back to shovel flat for COT: Announcement for 1776 convergence next week and prayers for a fellow local F3 man who is going through some tough life changes. Bird Hole had the takeout

Naked Man Moleskin (NMM):

It was a blessing to do my first Florida Q and actually my first ever 1 hour Q. I have lead a number of weekdays in Charlotte, Louisville and Winston-Salem but just realized never on a Saturday. Thanks for letting me step up on a new thing (see below).

And before I editorialize a bit, there might not be a more beautiful AO than DTSP. Right smack on the water with a beautiful bayside park, beach, palm trees, glorious bay breeze and bright morning sun shine. WOW!


TINKER TOY: So glad to see Tinker Toy’s first post in St. Pete! He got his feet wet in F3 Jax and blessedly was named and lead by my real brother (McDreamy) who initiated 5 workouts in the Ponte Vedra area. I actually EH’ed McDreamy over 2 years, so I can take indirect credit for Tinker as well. He moved to St. Pete about a year ago but has no place to post. I called him when I moved here and I am pleased to report he was heavily gassed on Saturday…even tanked me for it. I was more impressed he posted and brought his two very young and precious daughters who were heavily focused on Disney videos in the family min-van. Part of me suggests we don’t advise any pax to do this, but yet what a great non-excuse. Welcome Tinker Toy!

SHERPA: We were glad to welcome Sherpa as well! Or actually not yet….he unintentionally fartsacked and was a real man being honest to say so. He also was going to post last week but did not with a genuine best excuse ever (ask him when you see him and he may or may not tell you given his gentleman nature at the moment). Wildy enough, I introduced Sherpa to F3 when he lived in Charlotte but he moved down to Tampa Bay about 5 years ago and also had no place to post. I am sure we will see him often..partly because he wants to and partly because he and Smudge are neighbors…they ran into each other later on Saturday at a soiree in their building . Welcome…in advance…Sherpa!

HOOKER’S PIER: It’s not what you are thinking…but it is our first named AO landmark in DTSP. The concrete pier jutting out in Tampa Bay at the volleyball courts is also used for fishing. We had to be very careful not do merkins on the many rusted fishhooks on the pier.

IT’S A NEW THING: This was the theme of the post Saturday. Based on Isaiah 43:19 (“Can’t you see I am doing a new thing?”). I had all revisit their feelings on first post and the likely combination of excitement and trepidation FNG’s have. After running through all the excuses, they did post (likely thanks to EHing by another F3 brother) and they were never the same. I challenged them to apply this in 2 ways: 1) When you know you want to do something or have to do something, just put the toe in the water. What results may be hugely beneficial even though it may not seem like it before you start. You also don’t have to take on all of the big task ahead of you….just get started. 2) Use this strategy when recruiting new men and women to F3/FIA. They too can change a life with this easier spin on the life changing commitment we all have.

Bird Hole