Hospital Name Day

While we never use one another’s hospital name, todays beatdown will help us remember one another’s name! Hospital name is the name you were given at the day of your birth, for those of you who can’t figure this out.

Start with a mozi around the block, but be courageous and go in the opposite direction you have been going the last few days. I know you have been!! It’s habit and we all love habits. Do the usual, Carioca, butt kickers, high knees and nur. Circle up by yourself and do COP:

Side Straddle Hop IC x 20, burpees x5, Strawberry Pickers x 10ic (quiet with the clap so to not wake the neighbors) , 5x burpees, 15 merkins, 5x burpees.

Okay, the Thang…hospital name. Spell your full name out and do the exercise per letter shown below. I know, not F3 lexicon, deal with it. Run a lap after each name completion.

Got a short name like Chris Fulk or Chris Galli, then add the person who EHed you into F3. It’s sorta like a tribute to that person. Lastly, if you still have time, honor the person who has made the biggest impact on you in the Pax.


  • Great zoom gatherings today. Missed the Bible study or fellowship gathering, look for more soon.
  • Chili Pepper is planning a LIVE virtual Q for Saturday. Look for details
  • Reach out to your fellow pax, phone call, FaceTime, bad joke, whatever. It’ll make an impact.
  • Buy a car from Gettel – oh sorry, shameless plug


  • Our world under attack by an invisible enemy
  • Medical community
  • Sarah and Lori
  • Pax going through a difficult time in this current situation.
  • First responders

Always an honor to lead this amazing group of men. Be sure to check in on Groupme after your workout and share your videos and thoughts.
