H3= Hot, Humid and Happy Birthday

Conditions: 78 degrees high humidity and dark.

McNugget’s Birthday!!!  And Big Mac’s is Tuesday!

Chore principals covered and no FNGs.

We started with the Mozi including butt kickers, high knees, Nur, skip and kerioke.

We then grabbed our waters and headed over to the basketball court for another great warm up that included SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Swimmers and bad back stretches.


The Thang:

Between each set the Pax had to run to two park benches and rotate tricep dips and step ups.

100 squats 10 burpees

90 LBCs 9 burpees

80 Mountain Climbers 8 burpees

70 Lunges 7 Burpees (35 each leg)

60 AMERICAN Hamer’s 6 Burpees

50 Carolina Drydocks 5 Burpees

40 Peter Parker’s 4 Burpees

30 Merkins 3 Burpees

20 Leg Lifts 2 Burpees

10 Diamond Merkins 1 Burpee

We had time for 1 round of Mary where McNugget called a plank for a little over a minute!


No announcements.


Praise for Recall’s family post 2 surgeries


Sniper shared the “Message” from Church about accountability with Good and the bad.

Goob lands a job this week!(he is up North for interviews) starting Tuesday.



JD out…