Clear the Benches!

Wednesday evening, hot, upper 80 degrees and a bit stuffy. YHC went on a 1 mile run again to warm up and get a feel for what the evening might bring for this beatdown. It is confirmed, miserable for running and high levels of activities so this is going to be a terrific opportunity to keep burning fat and shaping the body. Two loyal members of the Pax show up once again for the evening’s festivities. Lurch and LL Bean seemed to not be phased by my current state of sweat and mild exhaustion however, they did not run the 1 mile I have under my belt, yet.

After the 5 core principle and disclaimer we stretch for a few minutes and double time away from the bridge and charge towards the park. Spotty shade during the workout will be welcomed by all and searched out often. After reaching our first destination (the Diamonds) we knock out 200 SSH to get the sweat going. Hooah!! It’s starting to get warm. Let’s get the Thang started!

There are two benches conveniently located along the Diamonds and we relay between benches spread out about 40 yards. We start by doing 10 of an exercise and then select a MOT between the benches. When you arrive at the other bench you perform 10 of the same exercise. We do this back and forth until 50 reps (5 Trips) is reached by each member. We change the exercise and change the MOT after the 50 reps is complete and this goes on for a set of three exercises.

First exercise and MOT:

Inclined Merkins and  Double Time

Second Exercise and MOT:

Triceps Dips and  Nur

Third Exercise and MOT:

LBCs Uphill and  Karaoke

Now a round of Diamonds so we double time around the Diamonds area of the Bayfront and stop to do Dry Docks, Hand Release Merkins, Step ups on the benches as they pass by, and a variety of more 15 count exercises. I check on everyone and we are hanging in there so we change direction and head for the park.

Here the lights and benches come into play and we sprint, slow jog, seal Jack, step ups, triceps dip, and push away the Darkness around the park. I introduce a round of Lazy Doras to Pax and we grab a bench. While one member does an exercise the other two wait patiently in an active rest position. So using the bench the idea is that we complete a certain number of exercise as a team by completing and equal portion of reps. It works this way. The exercise is Inclined Merkins of which a total of 60 needs to be done and each of us is required to do 20 of the 60 because 3 x 20 = 60, get it? You do them 5 at a time and while ONE member of the group does the Inclined Merkins the other two wait in the Front Leaning Rest position. so One set of 5 reps is done the next man gets up and does five while everyone else waits in the FLR and this rotates so one is exercising while the other two wait. Sound easy does it, change the exercise and rep count to extend the wait time and it wont be (HINT: find out tomorrow at Tower Week).

We Double Time back to the statue to stretch to cool down and finish up when I see a welcomed site you may know if you are out on Thursday morning and do some hanging from a bar and perform Knee to chest crunches. Ok, Completely taxed now we head the rest of the way to the statue and stretch it out. Count and namerama are complete as well as announcements, praises and prayers, COT and we are clear. Again the second F takes place at O’Leary’s and it is even better than last week, this one was definitely well deserved and earned.


  • Sup N Run on the 25th of May it is here Get’r Done if you haven’t
  • SRQ Vets 5 k Hike on the 25th of May, be there and support the troops here locally
  • Savage Race on the 9th of November F3 Suncoast Team ready for sign ups “You’re already training for it so do it!”
  • Great Fathers Day Race on Siesta Key June 15th. Run 5k on the beach in the sand.
  • GoRuck Light on June 1st In Tampa.

Praises and Prayer Requests:

  • New possibilities and changes happening in my life with the M as she looks into new opportunities for employment
  • Safe travels for my M as she heads out to Denver and a safe trip back home.
  • Our First Responders, Our Military to stay on point and be safe and protected
  • All our injured and tired Pax member for a timely and healthy recovery

We covered 2.2 miles on this treck today and felt like so much more. Arms and legs are tired, breathing is not as heavy and a cold drink feels so good. Make it here and train, get stronger, faster, and tougher. Stay for the second F and you’ll come back. Until next time, Airborne!!

Coop out.