Camden yards

Ten Suncoast pax were greeted by a fellow pax member posting downrange from F3 Toledo in the gloom this morning. after welcoming Jenay to the warm south and a quick disclaimer and run down of the core principles we were off for a slow mosey around the parking lot.

Warm-ups were as follows but not necessarily in this order

SSH x25 (in cadence, Slater actually pulled off something that at least resembled a cadence)

Windmills x10

LBC’s x10

Hillbilly walkers x10

Imperial Walkers x10

Moroccan Nightclubs x10


The Thang

We then moseyed over to the Orioles Building and and performed a 5 lap rotation of over and backs. Pax started with 25 Merkins, squat jumped their way across the parking lot and performed 25 LBC’s then crossed back across the parking lot performing a power skip. This was repeated 5 times decreasing the reps by 5 each time. The Pax then gave the Q a not so quick ten count and we began the endurance part of the Thang. Perform 5 burpees then run a lap around the Island, this was repeated 5 times. After our burpee run we circled up for a round of chase your tail. Not sure what else to call this. Pax circled up and hit their sixes performing gas pumps while each pax made a lap around the group. This was repeating by performing SSH while each pax made a lap around the circle. With 5 minutes left we performed a round of Mary to fill the remaining time, ended with a count off and a namarama. Always a pleasure to get out of the fartsack on a day like this.


Announcments/p\Prayer requests

Prayer for DeFibbs son who has had a fever  for a couple of days.                                                                                                                                             Prayer for Diesels M who is dealing with health issues.