Camden Yards 3/26/19


SSH x 25
Strawberry Pickers x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
Lbc’s x 15

The Thang
We worked on sets of 25 with a lap around the island after each set.
4 Sets of Merkins
4 sets of Moroccan Night Clubs
4 sets of handclaps
4 sets of big boy sit-ups
finished with 4 laps around the island, bear crawling at the change in pavement on each lap.

Round of Mary
20 Merkins
20 Suzanne Sommers
20 Freddie Mercury’s
20 LBC’s
20 gas pumpers

Announcements and Prayer Requests

Convergence on Saturday
Gator Camp 5/10/15K

Prayers for Christians around the world that don’t have the freedom to worship as we do.
Prayers for service men and women who protect that freedom.
Prayers for Snapshots family